In the rainy season of 2013, India had 110% rains and many rivers flooded villages. Like any year, this year also, in this spiritual land all the useful water is drained into seas. This reminded me of one spiritual issue that every sadhaka (Practitioner) faces at one point of time in his/her life’s spiritual journey. When one lacks right channeling of energy we witness wastage in the form of time and energy as the practitioners ‘sadhana’ (Practice) fails to touch the inner divinity and he/she may not able to depict the philosophic books true to the sense.
At times, we try to escape from routine busy schedules and complain with our near and dear that we need peace. Peace is a state where mind is balanced, calm and in a free blissful state. Away from agitation and stress, mind shines with brilliance. Human life’s brilliance and glory can be seen in the potentiality of mind power. Stressed mind’s productive levels are low and that mind fails to maintain relation with self and surroundings and ends up in chaos and calamity. Naturally in search of peace, we plan many escape plans to escape from stress like.. long drives, parties, picnics and visiting many holiday resorts etc., Is that escape possible as mind follows our physical as an integral part.
How to manage mind and achieve peace?
Anyone who knew a,b,c of spirituality direct us to acquire philosophic knowledge. Educating us  with that, lets us to think in positive manner and train our mind to be untouched by past, present and mind predicted future happenings. Our study gives us a theoretical understanding that inside us there lays a peace lake, but we don’t know how to touch and consume it. Like an explorer in a desert, geographically we know about a water lake but fail to find path to reach it. Tired in self journey, at such delicate moments with or without our consent, if we have a Sath Guru, rescue action will come through his/her astral blessings reminding our broken mind understand the concepts of blissful life. A right word will auto spark in mind without much turmoil. He/she will show the path to the ‘lake of peace’ that dwells inside us in the form of ambrosia (amrutha thathwa)- the perennial source of bliss, peace and contentment.
So choose a Sath Guru and have initiation into a spiritual path and do sadhana. A word or touch of an energy source may change a course of life. No one knows when the ignition to our inner self comes. It is our duty to be wide awake and open to have such blessings. A Sath Guru will make sadhaka’s spiritual journey easy as he/she knows the path to eternal bliss- the salvation. So, along with reading spiritual books, spiritual guide/Guru will make our journey easy and fill our lives with bliss and peace through divine astral blessings
 Blessings be to all