
Life swings with balance in between happiness and unhappiness. Time passes and events change giving us learning experiences filling life with fullness. There are certain times where we desperately hang up in confusion unable to decide upon action plans. When we terribly struck in life, we fail to take decisions. If it is a case of number of tasks in queue and if we fail to organize and synchronize, at that instant, management studies help us in planning and organizing tasks. If we have so many tasks to finish within a specified time limit then we can organize them according to priority and can complete. If all relations are strained and our mind is weeping in sorrow then we can talk to people involved and can sort it out. Maximum… we can try and build broken relations. We have so many cases of love failure where one or other foolishly ends up their lives.  Some confused souls entertain themselves with addictions. As we all know that all types of addictions are life harming and are not advisable for leading a healthy life. For suppose, if we have at one point of time, relational, financial and career crisis then what the poor soul is going to do? How to handle life’s engulfing problems?  Is there any method to sort all issues at one stroke? Our life organizer is our mind and executer is body. Some intuition works from inside which says to us to do this and that, avoid some tasks and people, go this side and that side etc., that’s our inner soul which observes and cautions mind. Hence we can conclude that by handling mind, one can solve life’s perennial problems.

Stable mind and positive thoughts

 If our life manager- the mind is stable, we can organize and perform ‘n’ number of tasks with ease. Stable mind can manage relations with grace. It can identify existing resources properly and utilize them effectively. Thus refined mind with wisdom can control financial turbulences. How to manage brilliant mind? Mind can be managed by spiritual philosophic thoughts. By that hyper active mind becomes slow and thinks over issues and takes good decisions. Positive thoughts sprout and wisdom awakens to a new level of peace. Within a state of peace, person starts solving problems one after another, standing healthily in life and becoming a live example to others. Coming to the point of spiritual and philosophic thoughts… How to imbibe them into our mind?

Practice makes a man perfect

Mind can be managed by practice. We have to regularly do meditation and read spiritual philosophy. Through regular reading, mind registers the essence at sub conscious level and helps us to slow down and think whenever is necessary. Meditation sharpens mind, makes it more efficient and effective decision maker. At the same time mind becomes stable and peaceful. So do meditate and manage mind and lead healthy, cheerful and peaceful life.

God bless one and all with peace, bliss and pure love.

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